The online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives

What is He Watching?

Focusing on Details: Zoom/Crop

All documents and text associated with this activity are printed below, followed by a worksheet for student responses.


Closely examine this person’s face and body language.

Who is this person? What do you think he's doing?



What is He Watching?

Focusing on Details: Zoom/Crop

Examine the documents included in this activity and write your response in the space provided.

Now click on Switch View to reveal the entire photograph. 
  • List the people you see — or, if you don't know their names, what you think their jobs are.
  • What do you think they are thinking as they watch the television?
  • What questions does this photograph raise in your mind?
  • Based on what you have observed, where do you think they are?

Your Response


Activity Element

Photograph of President Reagan and his staff watching a televised replay of the Space Shuttle "Challenger" explosion


Activity Element

Photograph of President Reagan and his staff watching a televised replay of the Space Shuttle "Challenger" explosion


What is He Watching?

Focusing on Details: Zoom/Crop

What events could they possibly be watching based on your knowledge of events occurring during Ronald Reagan's presidency between January 1981 until January 1988?

After you have answered the questions, click on View Entire Document below the photograph to find out if you were correct.

Your Response