Aspects of World War I: Spanish Flu
Seeing the Big Picture
About this Activity
- Created by:Amber Warner
- Historical Era:The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
- Thinking Skill:Historical Comprehension
- Bloom's Taxonomy:Understanding
- Grade Level:Middle School
Students will discover primary documents related to the Spanish Influenza epidemic that occurred near the end of World War I. They will gain an understanding of the wide scope of the outbreak and how medical personnel, authority figures, and everyday people dealt with the crisis. The hidden document within the activity, is a map depicting possible origins of the outbreak that should evoke curiosity for further inquiry. in this activity
- Letter from Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace
- Letter from Lutiant Van Wert to "Louise"
- Emergency Hospital at Brookline, Massachusetts for Influenza Patients
- Flu Serum Injection, Seattle, Washington
- "Keep Your Bedroom Windows Open! Prevent Influenza..." Poster in Trolley Car
- Spraying the Throat Against Influenza in Dallas, Texas
- Red Cross Workers Making Anti-influenza Masks
- Police Court in San Francisco Holding Session in the Open to Prevent the Spread of Influenza
- Policemen in Seattle, Washington Wearing Masks During the Influenza Epidemic
- Seattle, Washington Require Street Car Passengers to Wear Masks During the Influenza Epidemic
- Precautions Against Influenza
- Red Cross Canteens Tending to a Sick Family