Form Letter from E. Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucy Stone
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This form letter from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucy Stone asks friends to send petitions for women's suffrage to their representatives in Congress.
New York, December 26, 1865.Dear Friend:
As the question of Suffrage is now agitating the public mind, it is the hour for Woman to make her demand.
Propositions have already been made on the floor of Congress to so amend the Constitution as to exclude Women from a voice in the Government.* As this would be to turn the wheels of legislation backward, let the Women of the Nation now unitedly protest against such a desecration of the Constitution, and petition for that right which is at the foundation of all Government, the right of representation.
Send your petition, when signed, to your representatives in Congress, at your earliest convenience.
Address all communications to
Standard Office, 48 Beekman St., New York.
In behalf of the National W. R. Com.
E. Cady Stanton,
S.B. Anthony,
Lucy Stone.
*See Bill of Mr. Jenckes, of Rhode Island.
This primary source comes from the Records of the U.S. House of Representatives.
National Archives Identifier: 306686
Full Citation: Form letter from E. Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucy Stone asking friends to send petitions for women's suffrage to their representatives in Congress; 12/26/1865; (HR 39A-H14.9); Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, 6/3/1813 - 1998; Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233; National Archives Building, Washington, DC. [Online Version,, January 13, 2025]Activities that use this document
- Extending Suffrage to Women
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