Letter from Louis Wagner to C. W. Foster Requesting More Personnel at Camp William Penn
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Lieutenant Colonel Louis Wagner, 88th Division of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Commander Camp William Penn, sent this letter to Major C. W. Foster, Assistant-Adjutant General of Volunteers for the Bureau for Colored Troops, requesting additional personnel at Camp William Penn.
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Head Quarters Camp William Penn.
Chelten Hill Pa.
January 10th 1864.
Major C.W. Foster, A. A. G.
Chief of Bureau for Colored Troops,
Washington D.C.,
It is necessary that I have more help at Post Head Quarters. I have now an Adjutant, a Quarter Master, a Surgeon (citizen). Adjutant’s clerk, Commissary Sergeant, Hospital Servant, and Quarter Master Clerk (citizen). With this number we keep up the regular routine of duties at Post Head Quarters, and almost always organize and have control of 200 to 300 men without officers.
Four or five teams are continually at work hauling fuel, clothing, and nations; a large number of officers’ horse are here and make work.
Of all work from early to late, and yet work remains undone, or is indifferently done by colored men. In view of all this, I would most respectfully ask to have Private Jesse Harlan, br. R. 3rd Pa. Cav. ordered to report to me for duty. Private H. has for 15 months been at the Satterlee Hospital, Heet Philadelphia; he is not strong enough for the field, but anxious to get out of tho hospital. He is able and willing to do such work as he would have to do here, and is admirably fitted for the position in which I would place him— forage— master— he having been in the forage department of his regt. Will you detail him?
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. servt.
Signed Louis Hagmen
Lt. Col. 88th P.V.
Comg Post.This primary source comes from the Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War).
Full Citation: Letter from Louis Wagner to C. W. Foster Requesting More Personnel at Camp William Penn; 1/10/1864; Letters Sent, January 1864 to June 1865; Letters Sent, 7/23/1863 - 6/10/1865; Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110; National Archives at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. [Online Version, https://www.docsteach.org/documents/document/wagner-foster-more-personnel, September 14, 2024]