Letter from Louis Wagner to Abraham Lincoln Regarding the Post of Chaplain at Camp William Penn
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Lieutenant Colonel Louis Wagner, 88th Division of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Commander Camp William Penn, sent this letter to President Abraham Lincoln. Wagner and several other officers recommend Reverend Reese G. Evans as a suitable chaplain for Camp William Penn.
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Head Quarters Camp William Penn.
Chelten Hills Pa.
February 22nd 1864.
To his Excellency
Abraham Lincoln. President of the United States.
The undersigned, officers at Camp William Penn, would most respectfully recommend the Reverend Reese C. Evans as in their judgment, a suitable person for the office of Chaplain at this Post, and they have the honor to request his appointment at your hands.
They would further say that they believe the services of a Chaplain are needed here, and that they would prove highly beneficial to the best interests of the men. There are now some thirty men in the Hospital and some fifteen hundred men in all (the average strength of the command for three months past) at the camp. A large School Building on the grounds, erected by Voluntary subscription from friends of the Cold. Troops, affords a most suitable place for chapel service, as well as for daily school instruction. But a single Regiment has had a chaplain at this Post, he being connected with the 8th Regiment US.C.T and remained here but a few weeks.
(signed) Louis Wagner
Lt. Col. 88th P.V.
Comdg. Post.
(Signed) W.R. Hammond
Lieut 6th Regt. U.S.C.T
Post Quartermasters
(Signed) Geo. E. Heath
1st Lieut 6th U.S.C.G
Past Adjt.
(Signed) J. F. Holh
Past Surgeon
Head Quarters Camp William Penn.
Chelten Hills Pa.
Feb 24, 1865
Brig. Gen. Geo. D. Ramsey
Chief of Ordinance
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to enclose requisitions for ordinance shores for ordinance “A.” “B.” “C.” "D" 32 Regt. USCT.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Louis Wagner
Lt. Col 88th PV.
Comdg Past.This primary source comes from the Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War).
Full Citation: Letter from Louis Wagner to Abraham Lincoln Regarding the Post of Chaplain at Camp William Penn; 2/22/1864; Letters Sent, January 1864 to June 1865; Letters Sent, 7/23/1863 - 6/10/1865; Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110; National Archives at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. [Online Version, https://www.docsteach.org/documents/document/wagner-lincoln-chaplain, January 17, 2025]