Please use a tablet or desktop computer to use this activity.
The activity is meant to get students to think about a typical immigration story to the United States. It provides a document from the "Decisions of the Board of Special Inquiry." This board was located in Philadelphia and was meant to review immigration cases and determine whether or not a person would be allowed access into the United States. The document in the activity shows the interview with "Bridget Donaghy" and her cousin. It says that she was sent over by her father, which was not uncommon in immigration stories. This fits in best with a unit about American immigration, the Irish famine, or early 1900s America.
Teachers are encouraged to read through the activity beforehand in order to get a sense of what students will be shown. This activity can be implemented as group or individual work. Teachers are encouraged to split students up into groups of 3-4.
Allow the students 5 minutes to analyze the document and read over the interviews. Students will then review the questions that are provided beneath. The questions asked are meant to engage students and allow them to reflect upon the immigration process. Why were some immigrants allowed in and others denied? Students will ponder this question while reading the document.
The name, "Bridget Donaghy" is emphasized in the activity. This is so students focus upon a single name and create some historical empathy. They should be allowed as much time as the teacher deems necessary. I recommend 10 minutes to garner heavy conversations. Teachers can then create an open forum by allowing students to share their answers and discuss differences or similarities that groups found. By utilizing this primary source, teachers can allow for students to relate to early immigration of the time.
To the extent possible under law, Griffin D Godoy has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to "Analyzing the Immigration Testimony of an Irish Teenager".