The DocsTeach App for iPad

DocsTeach App IconThe DocsTeach website works on all tablets and other mobile devices. But if you prefer, you can use the DocsTeach app to share primary source-based learning activities with your students to access on their iPads.

Include your favorites created by other educators, or design your own activities. All you have to do is create a Classroom and share the specific classroom code with your students.

Just follow these steps:

1) Log into your DocsTeach account. Find activities or create activities that you want your students to complete.

2) Go to My Activities and place the activities in a Classroom.

3) Each classroom you create will have its own classroom code. To get your code, click on the link icon to the right of the classroom name in My Activities. You will see your classroom’s unique web address (one to share with students, and one to share with fellow educators) and the classroom code for the iPad app.

4) Direct your students to open the DocsTeach app on their iPads and type in your classroom code. They will see the activities that you put into your classroom and can complete them on their iPads!

DocsTeach App Home Screen